Dinsdag 28 Mei 2013

Marvel Kegerator Holiday Promotion

Buena Park, CA (PRWEB) December 8, 2010

A $ 100 holiday savings promotion is being offered on three models of Marvels luxury home keg-beer dispensers. The limited time promotion is valid through December at California Marvel dealerships only. Kegerators are growing in popularity among beer enthusiasts who enjoy the convenience and great taste of draft beer anytime and almost anywhere.

Marvel designs are sleek, and the beer is on tap, said Bob Wells, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for V-A-H Marketing, which distributes the product. Its an affordable way to enjoy the luxury of having draft beer at home, and a unique gift for the holidays.

The Marvel Draft Beer Dispenser line keeps kegs cold while concealing them from sight. Depending on how much space is available for a unit, how much beer one would like to hold, or whether it is intended for indoor or outdoor use, both portable and built-in models are available. Beer lovers can choose from preferred colors of white, black, or stainless steel.

For information on the promotion, call (800) 836-8246, email sales(at)vahmarketing(dot)com, or visit http://www.vahmarketing.com/kegerator-rebate to download the rebate coupon.


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